Friday, June 24, 2011

Yes To Carrots: Scalp and Hair Mud Mask - A Review

The following is a review for the Yes To Carrots Scalp and Hair Mud Mask. I used this mask a total of three times, once for about 15 minutes, as recommended. The second time I left it in for approximately 45 minutes, and the third time upwards of almost three hours. The first time when I left it in my hair for 15 minutes, I massaged it into my hair and scalp as directed and after washing it out, my roots turned out greasy and my ends felt like barbie hair. NOT SO GOOD. I figured that maybe I didn't leave it in for long enough, so a couple days later i left it in for 45 minutes with the exact same results. After giving my hair about a week to recoop, i decided to give it one more try, leaving it in for almost two hours, and to my surprise.. Oily barbie hair again. There's not much else to be said about this product, because it can be summed up in one word.. Crap! Don't waste your money!


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Herro =) Makeup is my art and I want to paint the world.
